There are three main stages of a crisis: before the crisis, during the crisis, and after the crisis. Learn why each of these stages are important and what action you need to be taking and when.
How to Build Trust Within Your Team
Why We Don't Do Leadership Training
The Greatest Lesson from Pearl Harbor
How Does Jeff Define Leadership?
Is Change Always About Doing Something?
Consider the fact that in 2004 there were 9,000 Blockbuster stores worldwide, and in 2011 Dish Network bought Blockbuster for a “bargain price” of $320 million. By then Blockbuster had shrunk to 300 stores and filed for bankruptcy in 2010. But beyond being an iconic curiosity, what does this mean for contemporary leaders?
The Difference Between Intuitive & Informed Decisions
When you think about leadership, the one thing that leaders do that makes them different from any other person, is they DECIDE. They also decide WHEN they are going to decide. They not only determine the direction their organization is going to move, they also manage the clock of when they make those decisions and choices.
With decision-making, we are faced with the question-- How do I make very difficult choices?